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    $12.99 CAD
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    Product description


    The Benefits of Sardines Dog Treats for Your Furry Friend: 

    Sardines dog treats are an excellent source of high-quality protein, essential fatty acids, and various vitamins and minerals. Some of the critical benefits of sardines for dogs include the following:

    – Omega-3 fatty acids: Sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which support skin and coat health, reduce inflammation, and promote cognitive function.
    – High-quality protein: Sardines provide a complete amino acid profile, which helps maintain strong muscles, a healthy immune system, and overall well-being.
    – Vitamins and minerals: Sardines contain essential nutrients such as vitamin D, B vitamins, and calcium, which support bone health, energy metabolism, and antioxidant defences.


    100% Sardines

    Nutritional Info

    "Uses 100% human-grade protein - Sardines
    Rich in natural vitamins and minerals
    Dehydrated for long periods of time - no preservatives of chemicals used
    Suitable for dogs of all life stages, breeds and great to use for spoiling or training"


    Yappetizers treats are as pure as you can get. All of the meats and fish used are 100% human-grade. No needless fillers, additives, color, or preservatives are used in the making of these treats.

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    $12.99 CAD

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